Tooth Extractions

Teeth are supposed to last a lifetime, and we want to help our patients to keep them healthy. However, teeth extractions are sometimes necessary and unavoidable, being the most suitable and appropriate option available.

The most common reasons teeth may need to be removed are:

  • Severe pain;
  • Extensive infection (abscess);
  • Untreatable, advanced periodontitis (gum disease);
  • Un-restorable, badly broken or decayed teeth;
  • As part of a larger dental treatment (e.g. orthodontics, periodontal treatment).

Removal of a tooth is only performed after every other option has been explored or discussed. But once the decision has been made, leaving them unaddressed can interfere with the health of other teeth, function (chewing) and your general health.

Tooth extraction is a very routine procedure and can be relatively simple and straightforward, but some particular cases may be more complex. The area may be tender and sore for a few days following the extraction. There is a very small chance that the site may become infected (0.5–5.6%, but may be higher depending on your particular conditions, for example, health status, medications and if you smoke). Following the instructions given, taking the prescribed medications and careful cleaning the site will reduce the risks of developing postoperative pain and infection.

Once a tooth is removed, some significant and undesirable changes may happen, such as:

  • Significant change in the position of neighbouring teeth (e.g. moving, drifting, tilting or rotating), compromising chewing, speech and aesthetics;
  • Opposing tooth may “over-erupt” (invade the empty space), changing the bite and compromising proper chewing movements;
  • Considerable amount of bone loss – most rapidly in the first 6 months after extraction, but it continues throughout life at a slower rate.

Therefore, patients who have lost a tooth should definitely consider replacing it as soon as possible. Dentures, Dental Implants or Dental Bridges are wonderful options to replace the missing tooth.

Please book an appointment at Banora Family Dental & Implants, and we will be happy to carefully assess your particular condition and discuss with you all options you may have.

tooth extraction
dental extraction

Wisdom Teeth Removal

Third molars, or wisdom teeth, are the final adult teeth that come through usually in your late teens or early 20s. There are normally four wisdom teeth (one to each back corner of the mouth) – but while some people will have all of them, some may have none at all.

They can present various shapes and sizes, and be found in different positions and angles which may compromise their full eruption. Dental x-rays and a thorough examination are needed to properly assess them. X-rays will also show the covering bone and proximity to the nerve (lower jaw) and maxillary sinuses (upper jaw).

Wisdom teeth may become fully exposed, partially erupted or completed impacted.

A partially impacted wisdom tooth can be difficult to clean, increasing the risks of decay, pain, swelling, inflammation and infection of the overlying gums, soreness and stiffness when opening the mouth, bad breath, bad taste in the mouth, and damage to nearby teeth.

A complete impaction is when the tooth is obstructed by another tooth, bone or soft tissue, becoming not exposed at all. While impacted teeth may offer no harm for a good amount of time, eventually, some complications may arise, such as:

  • Infection to the surrounding bone and gums;
  • Pain and swelling;
  • Cyst formation;
  • Development of a tumour;
  • Resorption of the root of the adjacent tooth.

To most of these conditions, tooth removal is often the only solution, which will also help to protect the neighbouring teeth from further damage. If left untreated, retained wisdom teeth may lead to several more extensive problems. Wisdom teeth removal may also be considered preventively before they start causing symptoms or problems.

You can’t prevent your wisdom tooth from becoming impacted, but keeping regular six-month dental appointments for check-ups enables your dentist to monitor the growth and emergence of your wisdom teeth.

wisdom teeth removal
wisdom tooth removal

Dental Services & Specialties

Check-ups & Cleans
Check-ups & Cleans
Dental Implants
Dental Implants
Root Canal Treatment & Dental Emergencies
Root Canal Treatment & Dental Emergencies
Children’s Dentistry
Children’s Dentistry
Extractions & Wisdom Teeth Removal
Extractions & Wisdom Teeth Removal
Smile Makeover
Smile Makeover
Crowns & Bridges
Crowns & Bridges
Periodontal Treatment /    Gum Disease
Periodontal Treatment / Gum Disease
Dental Veneers
Dental Veneers
Teeth Whitening
Teeth Whitening
TMJ (Clenching & Grinding)
TMJ (Clenching & Grinding)
All surgical and invasive procedures carry risks. You should always consider seeking a second opinion from another qualified health practitioner.
Not all procedures are available or suitable for every patient, and results may vary.

Book an appointment today. Ph 07 5628 3295

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